World Book Day®:

Sticks and Shadows for Play!

Jigsaw Education Group is proud to be partnered with World Book Day® to celebrate the joy of reading and inspire imaginative outdoor learning. This year’s theme, ‘Read Your Way,’ encourages children and young people to explore, experiment, and experience the magic of reading through outdoor play and nature.

Jigsaw has created an engaging pack of FREE resources for Primary and Secondary settings as an extension of the Jigsaw Outdoors programme, combining reading, play, and nature to bring books to life in innovative and inclusive ways using sticks, shadows, and other natural materials.

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What is Jigsaw Outdoors?

Jigsaw Outdoors complements the Jigsaw PSHE 3-11 programme by offering an additional outdoor lesson for each year group per half term. These lessons aim to boost children’s mental health and well-being, fostering a deeper connection with nature while extending PSHE learning intentions.

Why take learning outdoors?

Time spent outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall mental health (Learning Through Landscapes, 2023). Spending time in natural settings reduces the body’s stress hormone (cortisol) while increasing levels of endorphins and dopamine, which contribute to feelings of happiness and relaxation. A report by Public Health England (2021) highlighted how a whole-school approach to health and wellbeing, including outdoor learning, can positively impact emotional health and well-being. For more research and information into the mental health benefits of being outside, visit Mind’s website.

Jigsaw Outdoors World Book Day Materials

Primary Resources (Ages 3-11)

• Primary Assembly
• Comic Strip
• Jigsaw Games – World Book Day Special Edition
• Jigsaw Games Training Videos
• Jigsaw Games Reading Challenge (11+)
• Suggested Reading List
• Book Collector Card
• My Shadow Poem
• Sticks for Play – Guidance and Discussion Resource

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primary world book day jigsaw resources


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