Featured Webinars

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Welcome to Worldviews - Buddhism

This webinar introduces the Buddhism worldview.  RE advisors David Rees and Nicola Archer explain some of the key beliefs, practices and people of this worldview, as well as unpicking common misconceptions. 

The webinar also includes some common topics covered when teaching the Buddhist worldview in the classroom and showcases resources to support this. 

Attendees will also receive a PDF document outlining the main information covered, which can be used to support wider staff subject knowledge. 

13/02/2025 16:00

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Teaching Respect, Nurturing Curiosity. A Teacher's Guide to Religious Education

Becky shares how Jigsaw’s enquiry-based approach to Primary RE can help you create meaningful, thought-provoking lessons.

13/02/2025 16:00

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PSHE 3-11/12 Network Meeting

Join our Jigsaw PSHE 3-12 network meeting, led by Sarah Brough. This interactive session offers teachers a chance to share ideas, questions, and experiences in using Jigsaw to develop best practices. Discuss topical issues around PSHE/RSE and explore how Jigsaw can support your school's needs. You'll also have the opportunity to provide feedback on resources and suggest improvements. Open to all Jigsaw PSHE users, both in the UK and internationally.

04/03/2025 15:45

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Welcome to Worldviews - Humanism

This webinar introduces the Humanist worldview.  Regional Advisors Sarah Bareau and Nicola Archer explain some of the key beliefs, people and dates as well as unpicking common misconceptions. The webinar also includes key themes to facilitate exploring the Humanist worldview in the classroom and signposts resources to help with this.  

Attendees will also receive a PDF document outlining the main points covered, which can be used to support wider staff subject knowledge.

06/03/2025 16:00

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Welcome to Worldviews - Sanatana Dharma

This webinar introduces the Sanatana Dharma (Hindu) worldview.  Regional advisors Celina Sullivan and Laura Gregory-White explain some of the key beliefs, practices and people of this worldview, as well as unpicking common misconceptions. 

The webinar also includes some common topics covered when teaching the Santana Dharma worldview in the classroom and showcases resources to support this. 

Attendees will also receive a PDF document outlining the main information covered, which can be used to support wider staff subject knowledge. 

13/03/2025 16:00

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Stress - How to Avoid Burnout

Liggy Webb will be drawing on her wide expertise to share practical ways for teachers to to deal with stress and to manage or improve work life balance. She will guide us through some new strategies to manage our own stress in a positive light. 

Liggy Webb is an award winning and bestselling author, presenter and international consultant specialising in mental health and well being.

18/03/2025 16:00

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Welcome to Worldviews - Ethical Veganism

This webinar introduces the Ethical Vegan worldview.  Regional advisors Celina Sullivan, Nicola Archer and Geraldine Yates explain some of the key beliefs, practices and people of this worldview, as well as unpicking common misconceptions. 

The webinar also includes some common topics covered when teaching the Ethical Vegan worldview in the classroom and showcases resources to support this. 


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Welcome to Worldviews - Baháʼí

This webinar introduces the Baháʼí worldview.  Programme Leads, Hannah Coldwell and David Rees explain some of the key beliefs, practices and people of this worldview, as well as unpicking common misconceptions. 

The webinar also includes some common topics covered when teaching the Baháʼí worldview in the classroom and showcases resources to support this. 

Attendees will also receive a PDF document outlining the main information covered, which can be used to support wider staff subject knowledge.

03/04/2025 16:00

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Help, I'm an RVE Teacher!

This free, live webinar session with Heather Hansen, our Welsh RVE Advisor, aims to provide support for all Primary RVE teachers. The session will look at the statutory documents and what support is available for guiding and teaching RVE. It will give practical ideas about how to implement a strong RVE policy and deliver high-quality RVE in your school. There will also be a chance for a Q&A session with Heather. This session aims to empower teachers to review their RVE provision and be more confident in how to deliver RVE going forward.

20/04/2025 16:00

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Jigsaw PSHE, the Mindful Approach to PSHE

An honest teacher-to-teacher conversation about how Becky used Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, to transform PSHE in her school to make a positive difference to teachers, children and the whole school ethos and wider community.

11/02/2025 16:00

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Taking a Multi-Sensory Approach in RE

Discover more about the multi-sensory approach, the research findings that advocate for this approach, its benefits to all children, particularly those children with SEND. Learn how to enhance some of our Jigsaw enquiries with multi-sensory experiences, which you can transfer to your classroom.

10/02/2025 12:00

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Safeguarding Series- Session 1

Carole has worked for nearly 30 years in the field of online safety as safeguarding lead in secondary schools and charities. This webinar explores the apps children and young people use and why age restrictions and data protection are so important in safeguarding them when using social media platforms. Curriculum Lead Carole Phillips will also cover areas such as location settings, where to access reporting mechanisms on social media platforms, and safeguarding policies content, as well as sharing practical tips for teachers, parents and carers.

05/02/2025 12:00

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Welcome to Worldviews - Judaism

Join this webinar to explore the Jewish worldview with Regional Advisors Geraldine Yates and Heather Hansen. Learn about key beliefs, practices, and figures while addressing common misconceptions. The session covers classroom topics and showcases resources to support teaching. Attendees will receive a PDF summarizing key information, designed to enhance staff subject knowledge.

30/01/2025 16:00

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Making Sense of the Adolescent Brain

This webinar will explain some of the change that occur during the adolescent window of neurological development, highlight how these changes provide opportunities for learning, and can also present challenges socially, emotionally and in a classroom environment.​

We will then discuss how to address these challenges and how some of the Jigsaw 11-16 resources are designed to be sensitive to the adolescent brain and help young people to enhance their social and emotional learning.

The webinar will be led by Rachel Carey – an experienced secondary teacher, PSHE leader and expert in adolescent neurological development.​


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Welcome to Worldviews - Islam

This webinar introduces the Islam worldview. Programme Lead, David Rees, explains some of the key beliefs, practices and people of this worldview, as well as unpicking common misconceptions. 

The webinar also includes some common topics covered when teaching the Islam worldview in the classroom and showcases resources to support this. 

Attendees will also receive a PDF document outlining the main information covered, which can be used to support wider staff subject knowledge. 

23/01/2025 16:00

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Welcome to Worldviews - Christianity

Explore the Christian worldview in this webinar with Regional Advisors Geraldine Yates and Heather Hansen. Discover key beliefs, practices, and figures while addressing common misconceptions. The session covers classroom topics and highlights resources to support teaching. Attendees will also receive a PDF summarizing key information to enhance staff subject knowledge.

21/01/2025 16:00

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Substance Use & Misuse Education

During the 'Substance Use and Misuse Education and creating a whole school policy' webinar we will cover the following; 
1. The Importance of Substance Misuse Education 
2. Effective and Ineffective Teaching Approaches 
3. How does Jigsaw PSHE cover Substance Misuse Education? 
4. Creating a whole school Substance Misuse Education policy 
5. Signposting to supporting services  


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Welcome to Worldviews - Sikhi

This webinar introduces the Sikh worldview. Regional Advisors Sarah Bareau and Laura Gregory-White explain some of the key beliefs, practices and people of this worldview, as well as unpicking common misconceptions. 

The webinar also includes some common topics covered when teaching the Sikh worldview in the classroom and showcases resources to support this.

Attendees will also receive a PDF document outlining the main information covered, which can be used to support wider staff subject knowledge.

16/01/2025 16:00

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Effective SEND Practice in RE

An opportunity to explore SEND understanding and practical strategies to ensure high-quality RE for all children in the mainstream classroom.

This webinar will cover:
· SEND Code of Practice and the four areas of need.
· Adaptive Teaching Vs Differentiation
· Practical strategies in the RE classroom
· Sensory RE


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Effective SEND Practice in PSHE

An opportunity to explore SEND understanding and practical strategies to ensure high-quality PSHE for all children in the mainstream classroom.

This webinar will cover:
· SEND Code of Practice and the four areas of need
· Adaptive Teaching vs Differentiation
· Practical strategies in the PSHE classroom
· Contributions to key areas such as ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ goals


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Enrichment - Trips and Visitors

This training session emphasises the value of sharing authentic lived experiences of different worldviews with your pupils. It includes practical tips and examples of good practice that can be applied whatever your school setting:

  • Helping you discover places of interest and school speakers in your local area

  • Exploring common barriers and ways to overcome them

  • Demonstrating the Crossing the Bridges resources to get the most out of your visit.


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Jigsaw RE in Early Years Foundation Stage

Are you looking to enhance your use of Jigsaw RE in the EYFS? Join Laura Gregory-White, our regional advisor for the East and West Midlands for a webinar exploring how Jigsaw RE's framework aligns with EYFS principles to lay strong foundations for learning in Religious Education. Together, we’ll dive into how Jigsaw RE supports young learners, aligning with both statutory and non-statutory guidance, to support engaging, meaningful RE experiences.


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SMSC in Primary Schools for Governors

Providing governors with an overview of key SMSC information in primary schools, including RE and PSHE statutory requirements. This webinar will cover:

  • A whole-school approach to SMSC

  • Statutory requirements and best practices in RE and PSHE

  • Links to Ofsted framework judgments in ‘Quality of Education’ and ‘Personal Development’


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Positive Impact of Physical Health on Mental Health

Adam Thomas, a Regional Lead Advisor for Jigsaw Education Group, brings first-hand experience on the transformative impact of physical activity on mental health. In the webinar, "The Positive Impacts Physical Activity Has on Your Mental Health," he will explore how exercise supports mental well-being, including reduced anxiety and depression, improved self-esteem, and better sleep. Participants will also learn about NHS guidelines and discover ways to begin their own physical activity journey as a mental health tool.


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Teaching Composite Classes & Practical Tips

Judy Allies, a former Biology and PSHE teacher with 15 years of experience, and Anya Finch from St Levan Primary School, will discuss delivering PSHE and RSHE in small and mixed-age schools. The webinar will explore Jigsaw's Composite Classes document and share practical examples for effectively teaching PSHE and RSHE.


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Why Spiral Learning is Essential for RE Progression

Join Heather Hansen, Regional Advisor for Jigsaw Education, with 39 years of teaching experience and 17 years as Head of Department, as she explores the importance of spiral learning in curriculum design for RE/RVE. This session will cover the need for depth over breadth, the benefits of a spiral curriculum in building knowledge, vocabulary, and critical thinking, and how this approach ensures pupil progression. Examples from Jigsaw RE’s enquiries and Jerome Bruner’s research will be discussed.


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Primary RSHE: Am I doing it right?

Join us for Primary RSHE – Am I doing it right?, a webinar hosted by Jigsaw’s Elanie Ademokun and Sarah Brough. We will cover the importance of RSHE, how to ensure compliance, handle challenging topics, engage parents, and measure your programme’s success. Get practical tips and insights to help you deliver impactful RSHE in your school, with a brief look at how Jigsaw PSHE can support you.


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Creating Mindful Moments & Benefits

With rising mental health concerns and shorter attention spans, this webinar explores how mindfulness can enhance classroom participation and well-being. Learn about mindfulness, its benefits, classroom applications, and how Jigsaw embeds mindfulness across its programs for a whole-school approach. Nicola has 27 years of primary teaching experience and still teaches two days a week. She has been an SLT member, whole school curriculum lead, and foundation subjects leader, as well as a qualified mindfulness teacher and Forest School leader.


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Outside Voices and Early Years

Children’s spoken language development is crucial to all seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Strong language skills unlock other forms of learning and help children communicate their needs. However, one in four children, especially from deprived backgrounds, start school without these skills. At Jigsaw Education Group, we focus on building confidence and emotional vocabulary. This webinar explores how the outdoors can enhance physical, emotional, and communication skills, offering practical ideas for outdoor play and environment audits.


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Creating an Inclusive Environment

At Jigsaw Education Group, the learning environment is central to our mission. Schools have a statutory responsibility to create spaces where children and young people feel supported, safe and welcome. The child is always at the core of what we do—their needs are our 'why'. A positive and purposeful learning environment not only boosts engagement and enjoyment but also enriches teaching and learning, directly impacting children's mental health and wellbeing.


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How PSHE is Pivotal to a Thriving School Culture

Joanna, a senior consultant with 25+ years' experience, will explore building a thriving school culture through PSHE pedagogy, inclusive values, personal development, and SMSC opportunities. She’ll provide practical tips on proactive safeguarding, effective leadership, and how Jigsaw PSHE fosters well-being, health, and inclusion in schools.


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What's New in the World of Jigsaw PSHE?

Bethan, Programme Lead for Jigsaw PSHE 11-16, brings extensive secondary school experience. Join us to learn about exciting updates to the programme, including new content additions, CPD opportunities, and webinars. This session also offers networking opportunities for secondary schools, making it a valuable event for professional growth and programme insights.


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How to Introduce & Embed a Worldviews Approach

Join Laura Gregory-White and Sarah Bareau, with over 25 years of RE teaching experience, as they introduce the worldviews approach to Religious Education. Learn key terminology, explore essential features, and discover how to introduce, embed, and sustain this approach in your school for effective RE teaching. Don't miss this valuable session!


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Making the Most of Jigsaw PSHE

Join Becky, our training coordinator and an experienced Primary school teacher of 8 years, as she shares her insights from using Jigsaw PSHE for a decade. Discover her top hints, tips, and non-negotiables for embedding Jigsaw PSHE and creating a whole school approach. Don’t miss out on her expert advice!


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How Personal Development Judged by Ofsted? - Part 3

What to expect:

  • Support for you as a PSHE lead preparing for your personal development interview.   

  • Signposting to useful Jigsaw materials.

  • Exploring questions that might be asked.

  • Gain hints and tips for quick wins.


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How Personal Development Judged by Ofsted? - Part 2

Learn how personal development is evaluated in Ofsted inspections. Understand personal development, PSHE’s role, and SMSC’s importance in school development. Explore RSHE teaching obligations and how the Jigsaw program meets them. Uncover key principles of personal development and their integration through Jigsaw PSHE 3-11.


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How Personal Development Judged by Ofsted? - Part 1

Learn how personal development is evaluated in Ofsted inspections. Understand personal development, PSHE’s role, and SMSC’s importance in school development. Explore RSHE teaching obligations and how the Jigsaw program meets them. Uncover key principles of personal development and their integration through Jigsaw PSHE 3-11.


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Help! I'm a Headteacher new to Jigsaw RE!

Join Simon White, Jigsaw consultant, in this informative webinar designed for new Headteachers at schools using Jigsaw RE. Get essential tips and a helpful takeaway document to support your leadership in delivering high-quality RE education.


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Help! My New School uses Jigsaw PSHE... What Should a New Headteacher Know?

Join Simon White, Jigsaw consultant, in this insightful webinar for new Headteachers at schools using Jigsaw PSHE. Learn essential tips for your new role and receive a helpful takeaway document to guide your leadership in PSHE education.


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