Jigsaw Education Group

Relationships & Changing Me

We have updated every lesson within the Changing Me and Relationships puzzle, but, we would like to draw your attention to the following lessons which have had substantial changes made, some of which, require schools to decide which option would suit the needs of their students.

12+ Years- Piece 4- This lesson now discusses knife crime, whilst also addressing topics such as peer pressure, coercion and an imbalance of power in relationships.

15+ Years- Piece 5-Previously, this lesson covered several topics, but we have chosen to focus on harmful and illegal cultural and social practices (FGM being the main example).

Changing Me
11+ Years has had some significant changes to the way certain content has been presented.

Piece 1 - still focuses on puberty, but we have addressed feedback from some schools that, whilst it is a requirement that primary schools deliver topics such as puberty, some students were still showing a very basic understanding on this topic. This, however, is not the case at all schools, so it is not an easy task to create a lesson that suits the needs of every school setting. Therefore, you will notice that we have now provided two options for this lesson.

Option A- this lesson focuses on topics that are not discussed in any depth in Option B, such as how hormones affect an individual during puberty and the lesson also introduces topics such as menstruation, This lesson should follow on from content that has already been discussed surrounding puberty during their primary school PSHE programme. For example, if you are a school that caters for 3-16 year olds, and deliver Jigsaw 3-11 to your younger year groups, you will find this lesson most appropriate.

Option B- this lesson caters for schools who feel that their students would benefit from a more basic introduction to puberty, recapping on what would have been taught at primary school. Some schools may find this lesson useful to ensure all students are working from the same level of understanding initially.

Some schools may choose to deliver both lessons if timetables allow.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) was previously discussed within Piece 1 (11+ years), but this lesson now solely focuses on puberty. We have now presented this topic as a standalone lesson that is aimed towards KS3, ideally lower KS3. This approach allows schools to deliver this content in a way that they feel suits their students’ needs.

13+ Years
Piece 5 now focuses on body image and self-expression. It discusses topics such as body adaptations in an age and stage appropriate way.

Jigsaw Education Group



The Department for Education (DfE) ran three twilight webinars during March 2022. These focussed on aspects of tackling sexual abuse and harassment in schools and the role of statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). The sessions aim to support teachers to address serious issues raised by the Everyone’s Invited website and Ofsted’s review of Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges. Whilst we understand that these webinars were published in 2022, we would like to encourage teachers and adults who work with young people to watch these, as the information is still very relevant.

In particular, the webinar on pornography, schools will find particularly useful to watch, as we approach the Relationships and Changing Me puzzles, as it explains the research surrounding young people and pornography, and the impact of viewing harmful content online. This webinar also outlines good practise within a spiralled approach PSHE programme, when addressing pornography.


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