Jigsaw Education Group

3-12 Updates

New refreshed Jigsaw PSHE Materials for Ages 3-5yrs

NEW refreshed Jigsaw PSHE Materials for Ages 3-5yrs – find out more from the 10th of June 

We have been working with lots of nurseries and early years teachers and hearing about how changes in guidance are having an impact on the delivery of PSED and the experience of 3-5yr olds in schools and nurseries. 

Our specialist Early Years team have reviewed our materials to reflect what is going on in your different settings, adding some exciting new additional materials, and refreshing the content to help you meet the needs of your children and families. 

The update materials will be going live on the portal in June, but if you want to be the first to find out about what has changed, and what is staying the same, register for our webinar led by Amy Jones on the 10th of June. If you can’t make it, a recording will be available soon afterwards for you to watch online whenever is convenient to you and your Early Years team. 


Jigsaw Families


Did you know…… Jigsaw Families is based around sound psychology.  


Ways in which Jigsaw families has made an impact this term.  

  • Parents are forming group chats and are standing and talking together in the  playground.  

  • Parents and children are using the calm me sessions at bedtime as part of the routine.  

  • Pupils’ connections in class are improving 

  • Positive impact on attendance  


Thank you  

We would like to say a big thank you to all our schools who have been taking part in Jigsaw Families pilot projects this last term.  

We thoroughly enjoyed working with you all, many thanks for giving us so many anecdotal stories, empirical data and our favourite thing to see is what Jonty Junior has got up to and the places they have been.  


If you are interested in knowing more about Jigsaw Families, please contact Becky Peckham [email protected]  


Upcoming Puzzle - Changing Me Book List

Don’t worry if you missed any of our short webinars to support you with the upcoming RSHE content in the summer term – you can find recordings of all of these in the Jigsaw Theatre. You can watch these to help answer any questions you may have, or as part of staff training for small groups or a whole staff – especially topics such as ‘answering tricky questions in RSHE'. 

Also, for Changing Me, we have identified a range of puberty books that may be suitable for you to suggest to parents asking for ideas of what to buy to support this topic.

We know that publishers make small changes to these in each edition, so we cannot guarantee the content of these at all times, so please do check these before recommending, and explain to parents that even if they do not want to share all of the books with their child at one time, they can still be helpful to share possibly a few pages at a time that they feel is appropriate, or to help them answer any questions that their child may have. One of your school parents may well be an Usborne reseller who could share some of these books with you or other parents too. 

You can find the list in the Jigsaw Lead notes for Changing Me. 


Editable Knowledge Organisers 

We are pleased to hear that so many of you are using the Pupil Knowledge Organisers.  

For Changing Me, we have provided 2 different sets – one with content relating to what we feel is sex education included, and one with them removed (Version 2) for a few year groups. This may be helpful for schools in England not teaching sex education, or for any schools choosing to move this content to different year groups. 

However, we realise this may still not reflect the content planned and agreed in line with your school’s definition of sex education, so we are also now providing you with totally blank Pupil Knowledge Organisers that you can use for any of the Puzzles to make your own personalised version to reflect changes you may make to the overall content of your Jigsaw teaching and learning. 

These will be going online very soon, along with the Changing Me Knowledge Organisers. 

Remember, we have lots of other resources to help you with your parental engagement in the Parents/Carers section of the portal, including a presentation that you can edit in the same way as you can make changes to all the lessons throughout the programme. 

Jigsaw (jigsawpshe.online)



We had great webinars that you can see online now with Never Such Innocence to look at transitions for all children, tying in with the current Month of the Military Child and next term we will have webinars in partnership with the Open Minds Foundation as we launch their lesson plans on our website that you can use to support teaching and  learning around coercive control.

Never Such Innocence work with schools across the UK and internationally, often through working with children form military families, but also with children who may have been displaced, and have shared their expertise and experience on work supporting young people with transitions in these 2 webinars. Grab a pen and listen to their ideas and recommendations that will enhance teaching and learning in your school.  

If your school would like to join in more, April is the International Month of the Military Child, and you can find out more about how to get involved on their website here.


Jigsaw is delighted to be working alongside the Open Minds Foundation, and to be able to share their carefully planned lessons with our school communities. 

Victoria Petkovic-Short, Executive Director for the Open Minds Foundation will be leading a short webinar highlighting the value of encouraging critical thinking in young people and using these skills to overcome peer pressure and social challenges. She will explain the purpose of their resources, and the connection to some of the social and psychological aspects of wellbeing and relationships that are important for us all to navigate, online and offline. 

This will help to set in context the pack of fourteen lesson plans form the Open Minds Foundation that we are pleased to recommend to all our Jigsaw PSHE schools. You can find them with the other Optional Extra Lesson Plans on the website  


New Annual Theme– Leadership in Jigsaw PSHE 3-11 

If you are looking for something different to elevate your Jigsaw PSHE learning next year, look out for our new Leadership Annual Theme 

We have developed exciting new resources to help you draw out the teaching and learning about leadership within Jigsaw PSHE, developing a whole school understanding of how leadership skills are important to us all. 

You can choose how much of the additional materials you use, but as always we have kept the approach simple and practical, so that the learning and key themes are able to shine through and inspire leadership skills across the school community. 

Look out for the new materials coming in June 2024, with supportive guidance to help you raise the profile of this positive project across the whole school.  

New Enquiry - Baha'i

Our Jigsaw RE team is very pleased and excited to announce a new enquiry in each phase all about the Bahai Worldview this term.

The Bahá’í Faith began in the 19th Century and stems from instructions given by Bahá’u’lláh (the Divine Messenger). The development of the Bahá’í Faith worldwide is today guided by the Universal House of Justice. In His book of laws, Bahá’u’lláh instructed the Universal House of Justice to exert a positive influence on the welfare of humankind, promote education, peace and global prosperity, and safeguard human honour and the position of religion.

Within our new units, children will explore the key beliefs of the Bahá’í Faith, including the symbol of the 9 pointed star, and how these influence the way a Bahá’í lives their life.

Children will reflect on ways they too might look after the earth, look after themselves and help others, developing their own worldviews as well as expanding their knowledge and understanding of a wide variety of beliefs. 

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